Monday, April 16, 2007

Watchin' the CMT Music Awards

I'm seriously in love with country music today. I've been listening to it on my Ipod ALL day and I am watching the CMT awards (on DVR so I can forward through Hank Williams Jr, of course!).

I also visited The Glamorous Redneck today and I'm waiting for her to quiz me. But until then, please give my new favorite band, Sugarland, a listen. For some reason, they were advertising this album during the awards. I don't know if people aren't buying it, but country fans are notoriously stupid sometimes (after all, they snubbed the Dixie Chicks, whose album (Taking the Long Way) is one of the best I've ever heard.

But seriously, "Want To" and "These Are the Days" are my anthems. Pough, in deference to my devotion, has agreed to go to a Sugarland concert (with Kenny Chesney) in the summer, provided I don't make him listen to country during the drive.

He forgets that I get to control the Ipod/radio during half of a 34-hour round trip drive to Wisconsin. . . . passing through some serious country country.

1 comment:

Glamorous Redneck said...

OK here's your questions (sorry I didn't get them to you to distract you, but I was busy watchin' the CMT's too!):

What was the hardest adjustment you dealt with when you moved to NYC?

If you were going to show someone who had never been to NYC a day in the life (not just the tourist attractions), where would you take him or her?

What do you miss most about where you grew up?

Do you think that growing up in the Midwest helps you or hinders you in your day to day life now that you’re out of here?

Any famous people sightings? If so, what was your favorite one? If not, who would you LOVE to run into and why?

So there you go. If you want to continue it, you just have to post like I did offering to interview other people.

Also, Winona is all the way on the other side of the state from me, but if you get up to the cities whilst traveling I might be able to imbibe in some cocktails with you. :)