Although I'm pissed that I didn't get to see Justin, Suzy, Josh or Alison (some of which was my fault and some was theirs - Alison or Josh didn't even call me, bastards!) it was a good weekend. I drank coffee on the porch at Uncommon Grounds, went to the 90s and hit on a girl with a really hot Idina Menzel looking girlfriend, and on Sunday I went with Reid to the Bolt for Showtunes and got hit on my more men than he did (in large part to a push up bra and having a piece of anatomy no one else in that bar had). I also sang RENT and Whitney Houston at the top of my lungs and drank tap beers for $8 at the Bolt, which is one of the most weird experiences I've had EVER. (Sitting with all gay men singing Oklahoma while swilling Bud Lite...)
Being, well, ME... I also managed to a) end the week long courtship with Jason, although the friendship is still going strong and b) see my exboyfriend Troy, who I haven't seen in at least 2 years. I saw him both Friday & Sunday night. What happened is too complicated for the blog, but let's just say that he's grown up and I've changed. Despite that there were moments of brilliance and he still wants to marry me, I think we're going to be friends rather than lovers.
Which means my romantic karma evened out for the weekend. When I got back from Minneapolis on Monday, since it was such a nice day (despite me being completely exhausted), Jackie & I wandered around Central Park for hours. We went to the Zoo and saw seals for free, rode the Carousel for $1.50 (they DO let adults on it, and it amuses all the other adults watching their kids) and ate pretzels.
I didn't want to come back - I admit that - but being back on Monday reminded me of why I need to be here. It's my life. And when I fucked up majorly for my new boss at work, she didn't hassle me about it. So between that and a good dose of praise on a letter I wrote for her today, I'm happy. Plus, creating a "14 again" playlist with Boyz II Men, New Kids on the Block, Newsies, and Paula Abdul provided me with the confidence boost and identity definition I so desperately needed.
I stood up for myself when I needed to today and it felt good. I also got a workout in before Jeopardy at 7 which is SOOO rare and indulged in DEAL OR NO DEAL. What can I say? I'm cheesy.
I also read something that inspired me today. It said (and I'm paraphrasing here):
Life is hard. But compared to what?
That's MY rumination for the day.
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