Sunday, November 13, 2005

2 Down, 3 More to go

I'm having nervous breakdowns. I bawled twice in the last 12 hours. Jackie says I probably have three more in me.... which I think she's right. Before I go into massive detail (since we all know I don't blog about anything until I'm fucking reflective about it), I stole this from Kiddo's blog:

Ten Things I Hate About You

List ten things you want to say to people/someone, but know you never will.
Don't say who they are.
Disable comments.
Never discuss it again.
If you want to say something about my thoughts feel free. Just know I won't be revealing who I am thinking about, so don't ask.
1) I am not your fucking lackey.
2) Why do you talk about your personal life - at length - with me and then not invite me to your Goddess party even though you've invited other coworkers? Am I not good enough?
3) Call me.
4) You're so desperate. Take a bloody fucking hint and stop calling me.
5) A best friend doesn't just say "uh huh" when I'm telling you how fucking messed up I am.
6) Seriously, cut your hair. It looks ridiculous and makes you look like white trash. Even though I'm ashamed of it, I feel like you're going to embarrass me walking around New York.
7) I'm not sorry that I have a job and you don't. I work hard for what I get, and you're clearly happy being unemployed.
8) It hurts me so much that you complain about picking me up from the airport. It shouldn't be a major inconvienience to pick up your only daughter twice a year.
9) Get the fuck out of my apartment. I pay half the rent here too and I don't want you here.10) I pay for Netflix. Let me watch a movie in peace.
(i'm breaking a rule here, but #9 & #10 is not about Jackie.)
And 3 things I DID say that I either wanted to say for a long time or that just seems appropriate here:
1) I never do anything right for you! I am never good enough! You complain about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I do!
2) You can't love me. You don't know me.
3) I might hate myself now, but I won't in a week and I don't care what anyone thinks of that.


Alex said...

all that angst, i can relate. in the past 24 hrs i have been arrested and broken up with my girlfeind...all the meanwhile being a teenager with all the typical're not alone, I'm open to talk about things with you, it would do us both soem good...

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