You are a great person and you shouldn't let the past ruin your future. Yes you should remember where you come from but you have gone so much further than that. Your life makes us so jealous and a confused boy that is still realizing he's in love with you should not define you. The friends you have will be there forever no matter how they act, they still love you and are there for you. Keep your head up and enjoy yourself, you have so much more life to live.
It's awesome and eerily similar to the topic of today's post but I have no idea who this is; if its someone from my past or someone that I know right now..... but I'm taking it at face value.
One of my best friends cut his hair last week (Ryan) which was always his most defining feature. We all teased him about it, and he used to swish it across my face when we were cuddling (which I hated). And now its gone and my hair is cut like Posh Spice again (sort of) and I just realized how much everything has changed.
And not all for the worse either. I love my life; I love that I meet new people every week that are cooler than the last. After all, I had just begun being friends with Jackie and Michelle this time last year and now they are my closest friends. I think I'm finally ready to let go - of my old friends, my old life, Todd, while still holding the most important things close to me: the love that i have for my home and my family and closest friends, even if they are just memories.
I met a guy last weekend and I told him that I still wasn't over Todd. While that's true I think I'm finally moving on. Thank God, I thought I'd never surface.
So for all of you who read this and listened to me blather, thank you. I look forward to filling your lives with stories about who I'm messing around with which will probably change at least monthly until I meet my next broken heart.