Saturday, January 14, 2006

I Love A Rainy Night

And it looks like we're gonna have one. Anyone who doesn't believe in global warming should look out my window. It's January 14 and its 55 degrees and the forecast is for THUNDERSTORMS. In New York City, which should be covered in a blanket of snow.

My long weekend has started out splendidly. I went out with a friend from work last night and had a blast with him. Too bad that I didn't meet him elsewhere, or at a different time. He asked questions about Todd, so he got to be that guy.

He asked some good questions, which reaffirmed that I really can't be bothered with a relationship right now. But being with a guy that I'm attracted to (and he was attracted to me, I think) and just leaving it at that (albeit drunkenly) was a good experience.

Though I've gotta stop telling my "Slutty stories". They really are only a facet of who I am and if I want whomever I'm with to see that person I can't be shoving Slutty Meg in their faces all the time.

But, all in all, a grand start to the weekend. Hangover heat and sitting in my room in a tank top and shorts with the window open, comfortable as can be.

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