Wednesday, June 14, 2006

....And the reason I hate online dating - But also LOVE my birthday

I was SOOOO happy Jackie was with me yesterday when I went out with one of the most recent batch from CL. The date was probably the worst one I've been on in a very long time. Jackie agreed, but she thought that the guy might still come to my upcoming birthday party on Saturday. But apparently he thought it was just as bad and replied to my "I'm not that into you" email with one of his own.

Speaking of my birthday we're two days out from the beginning of a four day celebration which will pretty much kick off my summer (Memorial Day really never begins the summer for me, but my bday does).

Friday: I'm going to a Mets game with 7 of the most amazing women I've ever been lucky to be friends with and their friends

Saturday: The day starts with an author's back nine (read bar crawl) with his publicist who happens to be one of those amazing women; later that night I will have more than 20 people lined up to meet me at a bar in the Village to get drunk with.

Sunday, my actual birthday: I'm spending the day with my neglected roommate and then having a dinner with my closest friends that she organized

Monday, a personal day away from work and everything NYC: I'm driving far away to the city to an undisclosed place to feel the wind on my hair and sing RENT as loud as I possibly can with only the freeway beneath an economy's cars wheels.

Tuesday I will return to work hopefully a refreshed woman with lots of presents.

It is, of course, a somber moment too: its the anniversary of my horrible bday where Todd dumped me. I'm sooo glad that I'm on the other side of that. While Sunday morning will probably be a sad and reflective time, I am more thankful than ever for my friends that listened to me moan and worried about if I was ever going to get over it even though they knew I would just like I did.

And moreover, that I moved to New York, fell in love and found out I could do more than I even imagined. I hope I keep perpetually falling down harder and surprising myself more when I'm 25 than I did when I was 24 (only three days left y'all).

I'll try to update periodically since summarizing the whole weekend CLEARLY won't do it justice.


Kiddo78 said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Welcome to the "25 Alive" club!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, your life seems interesting!

Peace and Love!

Dominic Ebacher

Anonymous said...

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