Thursday, October 12, 2006

He Likes Me, He Really Likes Me

On Friday, my girl Sharon and I went out to Alphabet City and I was "on fuego" as one of my lady friends says. I met this guy from Poughkeepsie and made out with a bunch of randoms (at another bar, so Pough knows nothing). I always have a superfun time with Sharon, so I'm excited to spend a couple more weekend nights on barstools with her.

But to the main part of my story: I went on Sunday afternoon park date with Pough and then we went out again last night. We drank and ate last night, which was good, and we discussed the Mets, which we're both big fans of.

Now, I know the boy likes me thanks to the truth serum that is alcoholic cider. The fact that we're going out again on Friday is a great sign, although I think I'm going to have to cut off the three-times-a-week thing because I frankly don't have time to write my thesis AND date him that much. So, a little about Pough: has great real estate in Carroll Gardens, so if I was his gf I'd get to spend a lot of time in my fave part of Brooklyn; he has a good job that he just got promoted at and won't let me pay for anything; I would totally run the relationship but he wouldn't let me walk all over him.

Hmmm.... but yet, something tells me that this guy may not be for me but that I still gotta give him a chance. He could be like Todd in that I didn't really like him....until I did.

But until I do, I have a drinks date on Friday as well!

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