Monday, May 23, 2005

Another Manic Monday

My days at work have become more and more fruitless with only my boss perking me up every once in a while, taking me away from the haze of what I'm ACTUALLY supposed to be doing.... instead of reading a gazillion proposals that will get shot down right away by someone other than me if I haven't shot them down already.

Anyway, I discovered two things today:

#1: I'm on some mad guy's website - along with anyone else whose email he could get his hands on in the world of publishing. Check it out at . Let me know what you find, since its blocked at work and I'm curious... I don't think what he wrote about me was truthful... AT ALL. So I'd like to hear about it

and the second thing:

#2: Dominican rum stays with you for at least twelve hours. I had a little bit (like four or five sips, tops) with Jackie & our upstairs neighbor (whose name I forgot and J doesn't know) for the neighbor's birthday yesterday along with some very expensive champagne, and although I don't have the hangover headache, I have the hangover hotness and the stomach queasy. So way to go dominican rum!


Kiddo78 said...

There's nothing about you written. Just has your name and e-mail address.

Anonymous said...

Most everything I write is truthful, that's why it's good. Why do they have my site blocked? What are they scared of? A lot is two words. G.