Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It's a Nice Day... for a White Wedding

So I've decided I LOVE TODD.

I know I've decided this before and it's pretty much been an idea since 2005 BEGAN, but this weekend, I did some pretty rumbunctious "Meg" things, like:

1) Knock down my shower and then make a boy put it back up (happened to be Ted, Jackie's friend, who is v. cool, and, like me, fixes things with scotch tape.)

2) Ditch visiting friends from Wisconsin for sailors who LIE TO ME about where they're from (we discovered this the next day when we ran into one of them on 6th Ave. - he forgot who he TOLD us he was) and go alone with 4 Navy sailors to the Village to drink.

3) Get drunk on Dominican rum and Presidente 40s with girlfriends until all of them leave, with the exception of my roommate, who invites 5 single men to my apartment to discuss the merits of Tupac vs. Biggie, which was a VERY heated discussion between our upstairs neighbor Mimi, who's Puerto Rican, 3 white guys from Westchester, and a hispanic guy with a lot of bling named Lopez.

I went to bed at 5:35, 6:05, and 5:55 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.
And I have to say that I was remarkably proud of myself for NEVER ONCE doubting that I would be faithful to Todd. Which, honestly, has never really occured to me before.

But that could be because all I could think about was what Todd was doing. Not necessarily in a codependent girlfriend kind of way, but more like a wonder-what-you-are-doing-and-if-you-miss-me-too-want-to-spend-time-with-you way....

So does that make me a codependent girlfriend? Or does that just make me a good girlfriend?

Our society messes up women in SOOOO many ways...........................


Kiddo78 said...

No, I don't think it's pathetic that you wondered about his weekend. I'd say it would be sad if you didn't even notice that he was gone.

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