Wednesday, May 25, 2005

If you wanna be my lover......

You gotta ziggy zah ha! Okay, so that's the "short" version.....,2106,3291060a1860,00.html

Can anyone else not believe it has been TEN YEARS since the Spice Girls were in our presence.... because to me, 1996 doesn't seem THAT long ago.

But yet again, in 1996, I still had long hair (I got it cut to look like Posh) and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED the Spice Girls.

The Spice Girls taught a generation of women that a) british girls are cooler and sluttier than us here on the other side of the water and b) that you too could have GIRL POWER! which essentially was a feminist slant on the usual loose floozy girl that "chose" to do whatever she wanted in bed. Not that it works....

But I didn't find that out until I was 22, so of course, I ate it up. I wanted to be like Geri, without the orange hair (i preferred it the earlier, more-out-of-the-nice-and-easy box red)..... And I still love Posh... she's such a bitch! And she's married to Beckham! (and most importantly, she has a cameo acting role in BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, one of the funniest movies of all time).

It's no wonder I don't mind the reunion. I can't wait until they make Spice World 2.... Maybe THAT's why HBO has been playing the original for a month straight.

Additional Slutty Role Models That May Have Influenced Meg's Adult & Adolescent Behavior:
1. Rizzo (GREASE, played by Stockard Channing)
I liked her better because she had the cuter guy (Kenicke) and better songs...especially the one about no one understanding the slutty girl
2. Britney Spears
While not actually a "role model" I like her and praise her because I am proud of anyone with a background of living near or in a trailer park being successful
3. Vera-Ellen's character (Judy) in WHITE CHRISTMAS
She convinces her sister to follow around Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye and ALSO tricks Danny Kaye into marrying her! My kind of girl. Also a good movie for the cross-dressing of Bing & Danny... even though this is a blatant rip-off of HOLIDAY INN, made 11 years earlier with Bing and is a MUCH better movie
4. Shannen Doherty (Rene) in MALLRATS
Brenda, thinly veiled and using big words. Enough said.
This girl meets a man, agrees to marry him and runs off to a mountain farm in the woods with her new husband and his six other brothers. Yummy.
(this list not mentioning Geri Hallwell..... which I think I've already explained.)
.....and of course, the fact that I liked all-guy cast movies like NEWSIES may have also been an indicator.)
So. Looks like Toddy Todd's in for a wild ride of American Idol-ish fan worship and Spice Girls-album playing from me.
Welcome back, girls.
(coming to you in july 2006.....)


Kiddo78 said...

Nice list! I always wondered what the source of your "ways" could be. Spice Girls...makes sense. I remember them being big in 1997, spring of my freshman year. Baby Spice reminded me of my friend Tara. Funny.

Anonymous said...

I love that you are influenced by the Vera Allen character in White Christmas. She is utterly fabulous. Whatever happened to her? And is it any coincidence that the Spice Girls quote that movie -- "Lord help the mister that comes between me and my sister"? I think not

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