Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Roommate is an Enabler

Jackie, my esteemed and sometimes-hated roommate, is an enabler.

And I am an enabler of her. We've wanted to watch Schindler's List for about two weeks now, and finally decided to do it last night. Nothing was going to stand in our way, except..

I had to work out
Jackie nearly fell asleep while I was working out

And then the enabling began.

I switched to the WB mid-workout because I remembered that I saw an ad for a BAD reality TV show called "BEAUTY AND THE GEEK". And since I'm a beauty and I love geeks I thought it would be amusing. As soon as I saw Richard introduce himself, I started pounding on Jackie's door (her bedroom is right off of the living room) doubling in laughter.

When of the "beauties" had to pause when the weird former MTV host asked her how many states were in the US, Jackie & I were hooked.

Then we said, 9pm. 9pm is good. 9pm is not too late to start a three and half hour movie that has caused both of us to have nervous breakdowns at one point in our lives. good. good good.

But then Mimi came down and talked for a few minutes, giving me time to flip to ABC.........................

..........whose programming caused Jackie to become obsessed with seeing Evander Holyfield dance. I really, really wanted Joey McIntyre to do the New Kids Dance - the only dance I could do as a kid (Whoa, whoa, whoa - oh - oh, Whoa Whoa Whoa oh, the right stuff!) but sadly, he just looked like a John Travolta impersonator.

So an hour and a half later and we popped in the Spielberg cry fest. And then talked about Dick Cheney being evil until 2 am, which is the reason I am who I am today (tired).

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