Saturday, March 05, 2005

Diary of a Mad White Woman

I'm on a new quest: to put every possible song I like on my Ipod.

SO I realized that if I wanted to automatically update it instead of just putting it back and forth manually, I had to delete the 800+ songs I spent SOO much time on Amanda's slow as hell laptop. And I did - twice!

But now, only about 36 hours (not even) after I got my new puter, I have 1046 (still uploading as we speak) songs. HA! And I downloaded some 80s classics.... and now I finally have LET MY LOVE OPEN THE DOOR from those evil JC penney commercials!

I'm having a good day, other than the fact that my boy chose not to call me. But (rolls eyes) whatever. I'll deal. I listened to (or read on messenger) some advice from my best friend Lori (who has put up with a boy who has been unemployed for almost their entire relationship, thus putting her in massive debt) about not "settling" but I fell like I owe Todd what I've been telling him all along: that he's worth sticking it out for awhile just to make sure its not going to work. I hope it does work though, because i do really love him....

Okay so moving on. I also impressed my boss by sending out 150 books in one fell swoop mailing. I'm a good worker, I guess.

I love the fact that Oprah's on at 1am. And that I have the whole weekend to improve the Ipod.

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