Friday, March 25, 2005

I feel like Calista Flockhart on a fat day

I was going to blog this yesterday, but I was actually busy at work. Today, its good friday, and no one's around. So we're all poking at our work, hoping it will get done by itself.

About two weeks ago when Alison was here, we went shopping at Macy's. I finally got the perfume I've been wanting forever (which I'm not ashamed to admit is CURIOUS by Britney Spears) and tried on everything in sight - and everything fit me. Even a medium sized blazer from RAMPAGE, who everyone knows runs tiny and a 29 size skirt from GUESS which only fits me because its stretchy, but its still at 29!

I decided to rock out my clothing yesterday. Booty business pants from Express (my new favorites - black and grey with purple & blue pinstripes - sounds weird but looks FAB!) with a purple XS Express tank top (I bought it when I was on ephedrine, but I don't squish out of it anymore) and my new RAMPAGE blazer. It looked almost like a suit, but an Ally McBeal look at me I have a waist suit.

AND I straightened my hair like I was going to a bar.. and I felt like Ally McBeal. Only I'm Ally's assistant. And I'm much, much bigger (Taller and just bigger) than Calista - who I always adored. Not for her size, but her sheer comedy. Why isn't Ally on Nick at Nite?

All of this thanks to an author and a book that pissed me off so much I decided to try it and see if it worked. And now I'm *NATURALLY* thinner, happier, and generally healthier. Nothing's going to stop me now.... (cue Mannequin music)

Except the end of spring break. I swoon, I pity, I mourn. I love just working and not having to sit in class three nights a week. But it's all coming to an end.

This week I wasn't really looking forward to Friday, but to Saturday. For Mr. Todd's birthday I got him two surprises. First, a pair of mets tickets- really, a present for me and for him - for a game at Shea in April. The second is TBD - I've told almost everyone BUT him what it is. He's working late tonight as usual, and then tomorrow after I do my workout in Central Park I'm going home to change and shower and heading back up to the Bronx for the evening and brunch. He's going to love it and I'm going to enjoy the ride up there. Look for full details Sunday night.

In other news - the apartment search is ON! I am still looking, and I have another appointment soon. YAY. Brooklyn shares!

And more. My boss and I had an intellectual, moral discussion about the news.
#1: Terri Schiavo should be allowed to die peacefully without the input of GW. See this website: It's from the Univ. of Miami and it details out everything. This case has been going on for years & it's our opinion that the parents are just pissed that they didn't get part of her medical malpractice settlement - which has now been eaten up by lawyer's fees. Note that the only abuse Terri suffered was after her parents' visitation. AND frankly, the govt should not intervene within issues of morality/ethics/belief systems. But in the reign of GW, "Christianity" reigns supreme, or the religious right IS always right.

#2: Michael Jackson needs psychological help, and parents should know better than to leave kids with him alone. They saw dollar signs, and I guarantee a civil case comes after the criminal for the dough.

That's it from Meg's world on this very good friday.
Happy Jesus Weekend, Everyone!