Friday, February 11, 2005

Averting a Nightmare

A Long Time Ago (November) my friend Amanda & I decided that we should avoid more scary roommates and just move in together at the George. This was still when we planned to live together, a plan that since has fallen by the wayside - mostly at her doing, I might add, not that I really am that disappointed by the whole thing....

So we filed a room transfer.

And today, it came through. Which is crazy and so I had to track down the person in Pace Housing (which only took 4 phone calls) and luckily she was able to cancel that process.

Which is fortunate, since in approximately two hours Mr. Todd & I will be travelling to the depths of my bedroom.

I also talked with Adam this afternoon - but he hadn't seen the posts yet. I can't wait to see what he has to say.

Hmmmm... so my new roommate (hopefully) will be my friend Jackie. An easy description of her would be a new person in the pub program at Pace, who grew up in Westchester (a very rich burb of NYC) - but that would be incorrect. Essentially imagine a childhood/teenage years completely different than mine: Lots of friends, but family was kind of messed up, etc. But we're at the same place now, and we're lovin it. And as she says, we laugh at the same things, which is all too important. And she's looking for an apt in Manhattan. And altho I'm a Bklyn girl, it would be cheaper for a two-bedroom than living by myself.

AND SHE LIKES CATS! And has lots of guy friends. I think I've found my soulmate.

But back to writing rejections before I leave work (YAY!) to go screw myself up emotionally with Todd.

BYE! Leave comments!