Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Boys Boys Boys

Adam replied to my first post (Check out the anonymous comment) which redeems my opinion that he likes to drink. All in all, he's a decent guy with good intentions that always fail the people he intends them to be good for.

Anyway - to respond to Kiddo's comment on my last post - I'm sure that Seth realizes I called him three times - since he lost his phone. Yeah. Okay.

Last night, I got the girly Is-he-going-to-call anxiety, and then I thought, "why am I thinking this? He has a girlfriend, he's not that cute, and why am I HERE again?"
(I always seem to make out with people with girlfriends.) So then I decided I didn't care if Mr. I-have-the-same-name-as-Adam-Brody-on-TV called, because, frankly, he's no Adam Brody. And no make-believe Seth Cohen.

Although, according to the OC quiz I took online, I'm Summer, which I'm not sure is an insult or not.

Either way - back to work.