Monday, February 14, 2005

Quiz Show

I was checking on the other blogs I like, and I found this. If you want, fill it out and then post it - unless a nuclear strike happens, it will be the post for tomorrow. Jackie, I know you want to do this.

A. First, recommend to me:1. A movie2. A book3. A musical artist, song, or album
B. Ask me three questions – no more, no less. You may ask anything you want. I reserve the right, however, to weasel out of answering if necessary.
C. Play along on your own blog – if you have one and feel so inclined, of course.

Oh, and to the person who left a comment earlier - I will never have a webcam. Ever. That would reveal my identity. Not a good idea. Besides, that's creepy - although I AM glad you're addicted.