Thursday, February 17, 2005

Cute Guy From Managing Ed, Round 2

So a bunch of us (which ended up being me, the other assistant that I like, and the boy in the art dept she's been hanging out with) are going to go skating in Central Park on Thursday evening (next week, which gives me a great excuse to skip class.)

I decide to invite the managing ed guy. And to make it less obvious, I also invited managing ed girl, who is totally cool. (everyone else in ME is kinda ick, but since I don't want any competition, I'm not inviting ANYONE else. Besides, if its just me, the assistant, the ME guy, and the art guy, it will totally look like a pseudodate. So I have to invite more people, hoping no one else will come.)

So I don't hear, and I don't hear. But after the elevator escapade, I GOT THE EMAIL.

"Sounds like fun. Count me in."

WAY TO GO MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I will see him outside of work on Tuesday & Thursday. Way to go me!
(Although I will miss American Idol on Tuesday.)

This makes the fact that Todd hasn't answered any of my emails for the last two days utterly forgettable.

1 comment:

Kiddo78 said...

It's 2:24 a.m. on Friday and I'm just now checking blogs for the first time this week! I'm reading - just not always commenting. Now I need beddie. Have a great weekend!!